Please note this is an old post. They have changed the way you participate in Jedi Training – you now sign up to participate. Please see the new post about how Jedi Training participation now occurs.
The Jedi Academy is a popular show for kids and adults alike. Now, when they start on Star Wars Land and make changes, I am sure this will all change. But until then, there is one sure way to make sure that your kid(s) get picked for the show:
Make a sign
I have shared this tip with friends and it ALWAYS works. Seriously, I don’t know anyone that has done it and not gotten picked. To avoid the sadness and your kids being upset about not being picked, make them a sign (one for each child) to take to the show and have them hold it up when they are picking kids to participate. We simply made signs with some notebook paper we had along on our trip. It doesn’t need to be fancy, just some sort of sign to show they really want to participate.
So if this is one of your kids’ “must do’s” for their trip, make a sign and be sure they get to participate in this fun show! (and avoid sad/disappointed kids!)
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