FREE Disney Stick Figure Family Decal

FREE Disney Stick Figure Family Decal

FREE Disney Stick Figure Family Decal


I meant to put this cool Freebie up earlier,

but between taking my son to Urgent Care to get X-ray’s

and finding out he broke his Clavicle,

and the last soccer games of the season

I completely forgot!


Disney will send you a FREE Disney Stick Figure Family Decal right now!

Head over to

and Create your own Stick Figure family.

My kids had fun making theirs

They will even mail it to you for FREE!!

How SWEET is that?!?!

You can also just print it,

which I am wishing I had done now 😛

Maybe I’ll go to it again,

and print it out 🙂

You can only get one per household mailed,

but you can print as many as you’d like!

I am pretty excited to get ours!


My Shirt (which is hard to see in the picture)

Is a “Run Disney” shirt

2 of my boys both wanted all pirate,

but then the older one didn’t want to look exactly like his younger brother

so he changed his and was happy

but they both still had to have swords 😉

I was a little bummed that you couldn’t customize the toddler figure,

so we just made him a child instead

because his siblings wanted to customize him too!