I made our Autograph Binder for our upcoming trip! I’ve been doing the autograph binder for our kids for years, way before Pinterest gave us all these great idea (seriously, I am not sure how we did anything creative before Pinterest!)
My thinking behind the autograph binder was, it was inexpensive, something easy to put together, and I had everything around the house for it already. I LOVE back to school sales on school supplies, and I stock up for the entire year. I always have a few binders lying around. You can pick them up for about $1, with the little sleeves on the front, that you can slip a piece of paper in.
I then just go on the computer, find some Disney Clip Art, and add the year, Disneyland or Disneyworld, and the kid’s name. I used to do individual ones for each kid, but now that we have 4 kids, I do NOT want to carry around 4 binders. Not to mention, it would take FOREVER for the characters to sign 4 different autograph books! So we now do one binder, then when we get home, if they want their own (which my younger kids are boys, and don’t care much), we scan the papers in and just print out their own copies.
Inside, we simply punch holes in plain white copy paper, that again we get for free (or nearly free) at back to school time. We then take some Sharpies with us for the characters to sign with.
At the parks, the characters LOVE the big paper and room to write (or at least the ones that talked – and told us so). Many would use all the space, write special things to the kids, or just write something fun.
Then when we get home from the parks, I take the autographs out of the binder, put them in the printer, and on the back side of the autograph, I print a picture of the kids with the character that they got the autograph from! It is such a fun and unique souvenir! Just be sure to put the paper into your printer correctly, so that it prints on the opposite side of the autograph. You can see my pictures below.
It is so inexpensive to do this autograph binder. It is unique and fun! You can personalize it however you wish, and something that the kids will look through and remember for YEARS to come! Plus, adding the picture to the back of the autographs is just fun! My kids often look through their binders and at the pictures 🙂
I grabbed pictures from one of my daughters binders, because I could not find my sons’ and if you could see their room, you would understand why I did not want to look for it in there 😉 I didn’t take a picture of the front of this particular one that she has, but it has a picture of the Disney Princesses on the front, and below that it says: “Sabrina’s 2009 Disneyland Autograph Binder” (she has like 4 different binders from 2009-2012)