If you ask my kids what their favorite thing from our last trip to Disneyworld, more than likely, they will tell you getting the Kitchen Sink at Beaches and Cream was one of the highlights of their vacation! They thought it was one of the greatest things we’ve done – so I guess it was worth the hefty price tag 😉
Beaches and Cream is located a the Beach Club resort, right next to Stormalong Bay. We were staying at the Boardwalk, so we just walked over. Otherwise, It is also an easy walk from Epcot.
The first thing I thought when we were seated was how tiny this place was! Really, there are only a few tables! If you want to eat here, I HIGHLY recommend making reservations! I made mine like 6 months out.
We only ordered the Kitchen Sink. It was the only reason that we wanted to come – to try the famous Kitchen Sink!
We told the waitress what we wanted, and she brought us several waters as well.
It didn’t take long, and then the lights dim and sirens and lights go off. My kids were THRILLED! I have to say I was surprised. I didn’t know they did that! All the cast members working chant something about the Kitchen Sink – I didn’t catch all they said, but I know there was something about an entire can of whipped cream at the end.
They brought it to the table and my kids eyes lit up! We were able to substitute the Coffee Ice Cream for another flavor (we don’t do anything coffee). There was cupcakes, brownies, candy bars, 8 LARGE scoops of Ice Cream, jar of cherries, chocolate sauce, PB sauce, Caramel Sauce, Sprinkles, and an entire can of whipped cream.
We did this for my son’s birthday, as it was his 9th Birthday – He thinks this was the BEST Birthday treat ever!
They bring bowls and spoons for everyone at the table so you can dish it up. Or you can be like my toddler and just grab a spoon and dig in 🙂
This was a great treat, that we will be doing again – probably every trip, if my kids get their way. It is a lot of fun, and surprisingly delicious! There were 7 of us, and we could barely finish it off. (I think there was a little left in a bowl when we were done). It was rather expensive, but worth the cost, in my opinion for the fun and experience of it. Plus it was cheaper than buying a dessert for all 7 of us!

All of us with the Kitchen Sink – the waitress was great and offered to take pictures without us even asking! The Jukebox was cool too 🙂

The baby just grabbed a spoon to dig in while I was taking a picture – no waiting for bowls for him!!
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