Can you believe in all our many trips to Disneyland (I mean we had Annual Passes!), we hadn’t eaten a Mickey Beignets?!?! I know – crazy! Somehow we just always missed/forgot to get some. We would usually just get them at the Jazz Kitchen Express in Downtown Disney (they are excellent there by the way! Perhaps better than the Mickey ones… but they taste very similar)
So we decided we HAD to eat them on this trip! To find these delectable treats, you need to find the Mint Julep bar in New Orleans Square. It is not the easiest place to find, but you’ll find the window in the patio area of the French Market Restaurant. You can get a 3 or 6 pack. We got the 6 pack of course. They were tasty! Considering theme park prices, it wasn’t too bad for 6 snack items – one for each of us! It is much cheaper to buy them at the Mint Julep Bar over Cafe Orleans. My kids wanted to buy a second set of 6, but they also wanted Dole Whips that day, so we just stuck to one a piece. If I’m being honest, I could have eaten all 6 myself! I love beignets!
Now that we’ve finally found/tried the Mickey Beignets, they will always be a stop for us on our Disneyland trips! Can’t beat a yummy treat that feeds all of us without paying through the nose! Add the Mint Julep Bar and delicious Mickey Beignets as a stop on your next trip too!