We’ve never done the pressed pennies at Disney, but I decided that it would be a fun souvenir this trip. Not only is it a cheap little trinket, but my kids ALWAYS want to play with the machines and think they are the coolest. So I decided that we could do them this trip, and each of my kids can have a fun and inexpensive souvenir to remember this trip by.
I know they sell the penny passports at Disney, but they are rather expensive, especially times 4 kids! So I picked up 4 Penny Passports from Amazon (Amazon prices change often, ebay is another great place to check for these!) for like $3 each shipped.
Then I bought some Sticker printer paper from Amazon. I went ahead and got the 100 sheets, because I know that I will use it often for various crafts and projects. Otherwise, it is like $.70-1.00 per sheet of sticker paper, so this was MUCH MUCH cheaper per sheet!
Then I had the kids pick a Disney Clip art that they wanted on their passports. Just do a google search for Disney clip art. I then put each picture into a table in word. I got 4 per page, which was almost the perfect size for the passports. We added their names and printed them out. It only took one sheet of sticker paper for all 4 passports.
They turned out pretty cute and my kids are excited about them. So for about $12.18 I made 4 personalized passports for my kids. I am pretty sure I could only buy 1 at Disneyworld for that price!
Then I decided to print out covers for their M&M containers. Mini-M&M containers work perfectly for quarters and pennies. Simply pre-load the tubes with alternating two quarters and a penny. We plan to give each kid $10 in quarters to spend on the trip.
To make these, I simply flipped the word document to landscape and moved the name to the side of the picture. They match the kids Penny passports, so we can easily know whose container is whose.
Can you tell we are getting excited for our trip? I am getting together the toy bag full of things for my kids to play with on our long plane trip all the way from Oregon to Florida today as well! YAY!!
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