We have gone to Disney with all ages – from 4 months up! We have always had a good experience, no matter the age of our children. You simply have to be smart with the ages that you have, to help have a successful day, no matter what ages your children are! I have a few things that work well for our family, to help us have a wonderful vacation, for all our kids and us. (The above picture was taken at Disneyworld in December – it was COLD for Florida! The baby was only 4 months old!)
Bring Snacks – LOTS of snacks! – This is a big deal for us. Snacks go a long way to making the kids happy. Actually, my oldest son (he is 10), gets really cranky when he gets hungry. When we were at Disneyworld last time, we had lots of bags of Chex Mix, and we called it “baby crack” because my one-year-old got so excited and happy whenever he got a bag. Keep kids fed, and this will go a long way to keeping them happy.
Hydration – this is just important. My kids whine when they are thirsty. Just keep lots of water bottles (or get them refilled) or get ice water at quick service restaurants. Make sure they are drinking often and keeping hydrated.
Mid-day breaks – I can’t stress this enough! We almost always take a break after lunch for naps at the hotel. Even the older kids enjoy the quiet/down time. Then we often go for a swim in the pool. We then head back to the parks, recharged and happy.
Get to the parks when they open! You will have shorter lines and the ability to do more rides in a shorter amount of time. I get cranky in line, so of course my kids do. Get there early and avoid many of the mid-day lines. You can be enjoying a break at your hotel when the weather is the hottest and the lines are the longest, if you get there at opening time.
Try for the low/off season – we always like the low season, because the lines are shorter, thus less time waiting in line and you can get more done in a shorter amount of time. I guess no matter the age of our kids, we always try and go at the low season.
Sleep – make sure your kids (and you!) get to bed at a reasonable time. We also let the small ones nap in the stroller. A stroller is so nice! We have a double stroller and the seats can lay down and it has a cover from the sun! This is a lifesaver when they get tired and need a break! (this is often when we use our rider swap passes!)
Find a quiet/shaded table or spot to take a break. We often will find a table in the shade or in a restuarant and just take a short break when everyone needs to little downtime. Get a snack, have some drinks, and just take a few minutes to “chill.” Don’t worry about your next ride/show or your schedule. Enjoy 5-15 minutes just to relax and have a break. Taking this time before (or during) any meltdowns, will save you time and stress for the rest of your day (we often take 2-3 of these breaks during a day).
Bring things to occupy them in line/waiting for the parades – last time we were waiting for a parade, I let my kids watch “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” on my phone. Having things to do while waiting in line can help alot – phones, taking pictures (let them take the pictures – mine love this!), tablets, games, etc! Not only did they happily wait for the parade, but they also got a little down time. We got the Hidden Mickey Book for our last trip, and the kids loved it!
Have your “Must-do’s” for each day – Every night or in the morning, I ask my kids what they really want to make sure gets done that day (or the next day). That is our “Must-do” list for the day. We make sure to do those rides/shows first. Then whatever else we get in, is topping for the day. You will never get everything done, so just be sure you get the things you really want done first. Then you will be more relaxed, and less stressed about getting it all in!
Know your kids signs – I know when my oldest needs a snack and is about to breakdown. We give him a snack and he’s good to go! I know when my youngest is wearing down and needs a nap – time for his break! Watch for and notice your kids’ signs and have preventative measures to stop the meltdowns before they occur.
Relax and enjoy your vacation. A relaxed parent, helps the kids to be more relaxed. You will not get everything done. Just enjoy the time as a family. Enjoy their faces, their excitement, and their smiles. Soak in the experience and the joy of the Happiest Place on Earth!